
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mobile Trip

Last weekend I finally made it to Mobile with no agenda necessary. Me and Emmalyn got to enjoy a nice weekend with no plans! Wilkins went to the hunting camp, so us girls went to my parents for a fun weekend that included the fair. I used to love going to the fair as a child so I was so excited when my parents talked about taking Em!
Her favorite thing, on Saturday, at the fair was the exhibit that housed turtles. She has been learning all about them in her class and touch-n-feel books. So when she saw them in person she knew exactly what they where and didn't want to leave their side. I think my parents had to drag her away from the exhibit. She couldn't even pose for this picture because if she took her eyes off the turtle she thought something would happen!
We got to ride a lot of rides, mainly kiddie rides, which I have never ridden before:) New experience for both of us. She found everything so exciting that she couldn't sit still for any of it. We couldn't get her to look at a camera to save our lives due to all of the entertainment around us. Her favorite ride was the Dumbo ride cause it would go "so high" as she would say!
Got some of the ride in this picture of us!

I think my mom had just as much fun as Emmalyn did. She rode most of the rides with her including this picture of them on the carousel. I found that this weekend my body is not is young as it used to be. I rode the Himalaya ride with my mom and almost died it felt like! My neck and back were so sore and I had bruises on my legs and arms from trying to hold on!!! Its not fun realizing your getting old, haha!

I got to go to dinner that night with my best friend Lindsey, which was nice. I haven't gotten to spend much time with her since I moved to Birmingham! I love how you know when someone is truly your friend when no matter how long its been since you've talked you can pick right up like no time has passed. That's the way it is when we are together...she is like my sister, knows everything about me and is always there! I love you Linds!!! Had the best time with you at dinner the other night, need to do that more often!

Went to breakfast that morning at Cracker Barrel! My dad hung out with Em outside of the restaurant while my mom and I finished up. Emmalyn loves to be outside and swing on anything... so she was thrilled when my dad took her to rock in the chairs. She cried, after 15 mins of rocking, when we told her it was time to go. She probably would of sat in that chair all day if her Granddad would of stayed too!!!!

Thanks for the nice weekend mom and dad. Also Thank you to everyone for my birthday presents and cards. I really appreciated everything:) Love you all

This was her on my birthday..."what, today's not about me???"

Monday, October 17, 2011

Halloween Festival

We went to a Halloween Festival for our community yesterday. Emmalyn had so much fun dressing up as a cowgirl. She had a cowboy hat that she obviously felt took away from her outfit cause she would throw it down and laugh. However, she rocked her pink cowboy boots with a strut and got lots of attention with that! She ate a ton of candy and watermelon shaved ice. I couldn't believe how hot it is still being mid-October. There is normally a chill in the air by now, but haven't seen it:). The heat didn't stop her though...she ran all over the park like she owned it. They did such a good job putting
it on this year. We got to play games like "Go Fishing" and "Duck Pond." She didn't want to actually play the games but flirt with the volunteers working them.
Her favorite thing was the bounce houses. They had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse one that took the Jaws of Life to get her out! Outside the bounce house they had people dressed up in Mickey and Minnie costumes. She fell in love with them and would not let them out of her site- she followed them all over. We tried to get her to take a picture with them but she started shaking and crying when they went to pick her up. She wouldn't have anything to do with them!!! As soon as they would walk away again she would call for them, they could only wave from afar...I guess we know what Chuck E. Cheese is going to be like!

As soon as we got there she found the miniature pony rides. She wasn't scared of getting on it at all. She rode around the track like a pro- that's my cowgirl, lol!!!

After all the excitement yesterday, we are so tired. I can't wait to sleep one day...I just keep dreaming about it! I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Love you!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Grandparents 50th Anniversary

Happy fall everyone...I am so excited that it is finally cooling off and that the leaves are turning. I have never been so ready for summer to end like this year. However, with the cooler weather comes Emmalyn wanting to be outside non-stop and that Wilkins's hunting season is about to start. By the way, for those of you who don't know..I now despise hunting season!!! Why does it have to last so long ? And why does my husband love it, every weekend, lol? I think this is why God gave me a girl...someone to spend my time with while W is gone for the weekend! He hasn't started yet but I know its coming cause its in the air!!!!!

Mom got Emmalyn this super cute Halloween outfit made last week. She wore it to school today and had enough attention to last her the weekend, I hope, lol! If anyone will coo and give her attention then she does not care where I am. I went to pick her up this afternoon and some of the other parent's were around her talking about her cute outfit...she looked at me and said Bye-Bye to me. I never thought that my child would tell me to go- at least not this early on!!!

Emmalyn's new fascination is her purse that she carries everywhere. She puts an old cell phone in it along with fake lipstick if that's not a sign already! I don't know what I am going to do with her. She has a personality of a diva and loves to run that mouth. She is coming home everyday with new words and attitude. I don't know how people have several girls (mom). My luck I will probably end up with a bunch of girls- down the road, no time soon!!!!

Last weekend we went into Mobile for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. It was so special to see their renewal. That is an achievement that so few make these days. I try to instill their love, commitment, and kindness in my own marriage because its such a need, and who to learn better than them. I know marriage takes work and patience and that is something they, along with my parents too, have taught me!

Congratulations on 5o years Grandma & Papa, its so wonderful to have you as grandparents!

This was Emmalyn's picture from their Renewal ceremony.

At their reception Emmalyn met her new cousin, Noah. He is my cousin Jessica's stepson! Noah is 17 months old- same age. Look at the difference in size. I always say Emmalyn is big until I see her with other kids her age. She is always so petite but tall compared to the rest. We have her 18 month check- up next Friday, so we will see what her percentile is!

Jessica also just found out some news this week...she is pregnant! Congratulations to you and Vic!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Stay safe:)

A Note from Emmalyn...

Watching Alabama football with my best friend Mary Laine

Reading my Nite-Nite book before bedtime in my rocker

Tickling Mommy like crazy

and to those of you who say I don't have hair...take a look at all of it, mommy says it looks like my Uncle Lee's hair :)