Hey everyone...hope all is well. Not much going on with the Webb family, just always on the go! This is a picture of our friends children Joesph "
JoJo"(4) and Mary
Laine(1) with Emmalyn. These are her best friends and she adores them. It is so cute when they are together because they absolutely love doing everything with her. This picture was taken on Saturday night during the Alabama vs. Penn football game when they thought no one was looking.
JoJo always wants to play with Emlyn (as he calls her) and not do anything else and Mary
Laine thinks she is one her baby dolls! We all had just gotten back from Atlanta where we took the kids to the Cardinals and Braves game on Friday. Emmalyn was so good all weekend. She watched the game on Friday like she really knew what was going on. However, the Cardinals lost and we were all devastated because that is our team- but it was fun for us and the kids! On Saturday, we went to the Georgia Aquarium were we pushed her in the stroller and she stared at every fish and just smiled the whole time. It was so cute! We couldn't make it down any isles without someone stopping us and wanting to tell us how sweet and pretty she was..and super alert!!! I think men get a kick out of telling me that because she is so aware it means she is going to be very nosey. I just refuse to believe that...she is just going to be very smart ; ). We had the best time and I definitely want to go to more aquariums now! On Sunday, it was
JoJo's 4
th birthday party at the park. It was so fun to watch all the kids get a kick out of Emmalyn talking to them.
JoJo didn't want to go play with any of the 15 kids that came unless E could go too! He even refused to open presents unless she watched, I think Emmalyn already has a boyfriend...a cute one at that!!!

So, please let me tell you about the crazy weekends before that. Emmalyn had her 4 month check-up on August 27 where she got four more shots and prevention medicine. This time she got a high fever and was fussy for the remainder of the weekend. But she weighs 12 pounds now and is 24 inches long. She is in the 25 percentile for her weight and 75 percentile for her length. So in theory they say she is going to be long and lean...and that works for me! After her appointment we went straight down to Mobile because my best friend Lindsey is getting married and one of her showers was on Saturday morning. However, I found out that it is not smart to travel when your baby has just received shots because they cry the entire 4 hour drive and you have to stop constantly and it becomes a 6 hour drive! So we get to Mobile later than planned on Friday night. Go straight to the mall to meet Sherri and my parents. We get dinner and shop which makes Emmalyn not happy. When she finally goes to bed she looks at me like you are going to pay for this,
lol. So, we get up early Saturday morning to go to Spot of Tea for the shower. Emmalyn is great and is passed around by everyone (she loves Lindsey)! The shower was so cute and
alot of people came. It was great to see everyone since it has been awhile. We leave the shower to head straight to our lake house for a party..another 6 hour drive with the pay back...screaming and running another fever while it is pouring down rain! It was the longest weekend of my life but I wouldn't have missed either parties for the world- love you Lindsey! When we got home on Sunday I just
collapsed with exhaustion. Emmalyn is back to good now and I am never doing that much driving in one weekend again.

Labor day weekend was so relaxing for a change. It was nice just to be with family and on the water with nothing to do. We went back to the lake house and just chilled. Emmalyn took her first boat ride ever with our friends Joesph and Dana. It was so funny how much she enjoyed it. She had worn her
snooks that day and so did her daddy so I had to take a picture of how small her shoes were compared to his. She already looks like him so why not dress them alike-
girly for her though :). I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday as much as we did.

Emmalyn is still loving day school but it is
alot on mommy to handle. Too many new things at once but it is the greatest joy watching her experience everything for the first time. Who knew that what used to be boring tasks are so amazing and fun now!