Emmalyn is now 9 months old!!! I can't believe how fast it happens every month! She is becoming more and more beautiful everyday. She is all about taking pictures now- I guess she realized that she might as well smile or she'll have to pose for another 30 minutes! In this picture she is wearing the add-a-pearl necklace that her
Deea and Doc gave her for Christmas. It is so gorgeous! She is still not crawling yet but working on it. She'd rather stand up and lean on something rather than be on the floor. So who knows, maybe she'll skip a stage and just start walking!
Wilkins has been hunting every weekend and I am so ready for February first. I have all whole new
apprecitation for single moms. Even though it is just the weekend, it is
alot of work. I feel like I should get an award since W has been gone almost every weekend since October. I just don't get the fascination with the early morning, freezing cold, dirty smelling, and monk quietness just to kill an animal thing. On the other hand, I do appreciate not having to buy meat throughout the year but come on...every weekend???
However, I love spending every moment with E. She is growing so quickly that I know she'll be up and about before I know it and would rather do things on her own...I'm sad already thinking about it:( Her nine month birthday was this past Wednesday and to celebrate we gave her a front facing car seat...I know she doesn't understand what it is but will be very pleased when she finds out. She still has a couple more pounds to go. The law says 20lbs till she can sit in it and last we checked she weighed in at 15.5lbs! So we are on countdown!!! We go back in two weeks for a check up.

Having a baby is the greatest joy of life, I mean just look at that face. My sister Sherri is about to find this wonderful secret out. Her due date is the beginning of June and we found out this week that she is having a beautiful baby.... BOY! Can you believe that someone in the Jones-Blair family is having a boy. We are not going to know what to even do with a boy. Sherri, I am so excited that you got the boy cause now you can figure it out and just tell me how it goes, if I ever get one:) We have got to think of some good boy names cause it defines whether they are going to be sissy's or not, seriously! Good luck!!! I can't wait to meet him, I am too excited!
I am sure by now everyone knows that my sister Tiffany is being deployed to Afghanistan on February 2
nd. I am so proud of her and all of our troops but the truth is upsetting. My sister is going to a very scary place and all we can do is pray. It seems that this weekend it has finally sunk in...I can't call my sister whenever I want or even go see her. So to Tiffany...I love you so much! You are an amazing person who makes me laugh, cry, and be myself. You are kind of like my own personal sunshine- so it will be grey over the next few months but I hope you carry me with you. You are one best friends and to not be able to talk to you is going to be hard, but I know that this is bigger than me or us, you are doing a job for every American and we are so proud of you. I will pray for you everyday and count down to the minute when we will all be together again. To the 10
th Combat Aviation Brigade...please be safe and come home to us. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. I hope you know how appreciated every one of you are. Thank you for standing up for what you believe in!
Tiffany, I had a yellow ribbon made for the front door for you while you are gone. It reads : 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, PFC Jones... We love you and come home soon.

Next time I update, hunting season will be over...Hallelujah, but Tiffany will be gone and missed. Sherri will be 6 months
preggos with my nephew and Emmalyn will be getting ready for her Baptism at Canterbury Methodist Church. Life moves on and I guess I better be getting to it. Love you all!!!