Our baby was bapitzed on March 20th at Canterbury United Methodist Church at 10:30am. It was such a beautiful service and the whole family came. Emmalyn wore this beautiful christining gown that has been worn by all of Wilkins family. It was passed down to her and fit her perfectly. She was so sweet especially when the preacher took her to sprinkle the water on her. I think she thought it was great getting all of the special attention since she turned around to wave at the congregation :) She definitly inherited that part from me. If she is not getting noticed she pitches a fit till you look, then just smiles!!! After the service we hosted a luncheon at our house. Lots of good barbeque and sweets. I bought cupcakes and made them into a cross with God Bless Emmalyn- this was her favorite part. For entertainment we gave her a cupcake and she put on a good show. Icing was everywhere and she loved it...good notes for her upcoming birthday party!

With all of these teeth she has now she is tearing into everything. She has 6 on top and 5 on bottom- they just keep coming! She eats everything...and thinks that fake choking is funny, cause I come running!!! My family doesn't think it is to funny though cause my mom and grandma start tearing up everytime and has to leave the room, lol!

DeeDee and Doc

Mimi and Go- Daddy She got so many sweet gifts like a monogrammed pillow and bible from Aunt Sherri, a monogrammed silver frame and bible from Mimi and Go-Daddy, clothes and a gold cross necklace from DeeDee and Doc, another bible from Aunt Donna, and money from Gramie, Granddad, Grandma, and Papa!!! Apparently with all the bibles everyone thinks we are not going to raise her the right way, haha. Although,we joined Canterbury on Feburary 13th and love going every Sunday. So family, I love you but Emmalyn's going to be okay :-)

We truly appreciate all of you for coming and supporting us during this special time.
Emmalyn is getting so big now, she weighs 18lbs. I still can't believe that she is going to be one years old in two weeks. She better enjoy the attention now cause come June 12th she will have a cousin, Easton, from Aunt Sherri and no more from my side of the fam...just kidding!
I can't wait to have a nephew but I still won't have a clue what to do with him other than girlie stuff, sorry Sherri!
Everyone keeps asking about Tiffany in Afghanstan. Her update is she got to meet the Secretary of State a couple weeks ago and had her picture taken with him. She is becoming a hometown hero and doing awesome at her job. She is homesick of course but we all keep her motivated with gifts, phone calls and emails. We are so proud of her and her troop! Tiffany works the night shift, 11 hours a day for 7 days a week. It works our perfect for us because night time there is day time here so we get to talk alot!!! Keep her in your prayers and thoughts because its not an easy job there!
Well I hope all is well. Wilkins and I have had alot going on this year thats why I haven't updated lately. Mama Ann, Wilkins grandmother, passed away on Feburary 3rd and it hit us pretty hard. It was a suprise to everyone! Emmalyn has been sick alot also since then, alot of ear infections that has sent us to after hours and doctor appointments. Then a couple of weeks ago my best friend Lindsey lost her baby that she was pregnant with at 5 months. He was buried on March 28th - his name was Cade Miller Johnson. I know everything happens for a reason its just hard to see why on things like this. However, Lindsey and Brandon are doing great and have amazing strength and from that I see how God works in mysterious ways. I know that they will be the most wonderful parents when its time to be...I love you both!!!
Love you all