I am so sorry that I have not updated this blog in forever!!! Since Thanksgiving I have been working non-stop. I offered to start working more since Emmalyn goes to school 5 days a week, but I didn't think it would be this crazy!!! I have a whole new appreciation for mothers who work everyday and still keep a sane household. It is sooo hard! I just want to pass out at night as soon as Em goes to bed! Can someone please give me some advice on how they do this, lol????
Emmalyn is now 22 months old. She talks about everything and repeats my every word! However, we hit that terrible 2 stage early. Temper tantrums over clothing and her food consume my life these days. Emmalyn has a say on every thing she puts on. It has to be bows, jewelry, shoes, and dresses everyday. She now loves her nails painted pink and telling me all the time that we are "pretty girls"- so at least she includes me!!! It really is the cutest thing how their personality develops so quickly. She loves school and church and hanging out with anyone who will give her attention!!!

Our dog, Drake, has now gone from being called "Bubba" to his actual name or "my buddy." And she now calls everyone by their name and can sing her ABC's. It makes me sad we are already leaving this baby stage with her currently being potty trained. I can not figure out where each day has gone these past few months. I guess I can see how people starting getting baby fever again during this stage... but good news for me...I'm NOT. I thought we'd be ready for planning our next baby but I am so content with my little family that I am not having those feelings. I have decided that giving my daughter everything and leading her down the right path in life has consumed my mind more. I know God has plans for every family and right now I believe this is ours! So that is a quick sum up for all who keep asking when we are having our next!!! I just don't want to miss any moments of her life right now since it is flying right by!!

I was offered a wonderful job today, that will be full time and give me the best opportunities. I have placed it in the Lord's hand and decided that I am going to take it. I have been so stressed out about what my future holds and it is amazing how the Lord steps in and gives you what is needed! I will be working alot but I will make time to update this blog again. Now that the holidays are over and my life will be somewhat sane and scheduled again I promise to do this:)
Love you all and I can't wait to see what life holds!!!
P.S... I love you Lindsey and I am so happy for you!!! Congrats!!!!