I had my first Mother's Day this year and it was wonderful. Saturday morning my parents came into town because all my mom wanted for her Mother's Day was to be with Emmalyn! After they arrived my grandparents came over and we all went on a family shopping trip to the galleria. Mom wanted to get me clothes for my present but it is hard wanting to shop when you don't know what size you are now and your scared to look :) However, I did find some things!
On Saturday night, Wilkins and I went on our first date since the baby. We went and got some sushi (which was heaven- so missed it while I was preggers) and then came home. So much for the night life these days! We were going to try and make it a fun night but we had nothing to do, lol! But thanks to my parents for babysitting, Im sure Emmalyn enjoyed it too.
On Sunday, Wilkins and Emmalyn gave me my gift and it was a patio table that W built. It is so pretty and perfect- I can't wait to use it this summer! All the family came over but my sisters (missed ya'll) and we cooked out. W grilled the steaks while mom and I made the rest of the food. Dad babysat again, he can't get enough!!! Before everyone left we took a four generations picture of us girls and a Webb family picture. This was a great holiday- we should celebrate everyday:). Thanks to all the moms, love you
I love the picture of you,Wilkins and Emmalyn. You both look so happy and Emmalyn is a beautiful little princess!