Emmalyn turns 6 months tomorrow and that is even more astonishing to me. I feel like I just had her...crazy how quick it goes. We take her to the doctor next week for a check-up and another round of shots- how fun:( So today was the first day that she did something on her own. I was laying her down for a nap (she was passed out) and when I moved my hand her pacifier feel out so she lifts her head up and looks for the pacifier pops it in and goes back to sleep..you would have thought I won the lottery. I think it was her birthday present to me. I don't know why that is so exciting but I was jumping up and down! The little things in life are the best, I understand that saying now!
Megan and Lee got married last weekend. The rehearsal dinner was at Satterfields, which was some great food, but Emmalyn was not a happy baby. Her bedtime is at 7:00 and the dinner started at 7:00. So needless to say she was exhausted and mad at me for making her stay up. She retaliated by screaming most of the dinner. Good thing we have such a great family and everyone was understanding and smiled (or attempted too). Also Megan's brother's kids where there too, one is 4 weeks, so that helped. She finally passed out half way through and we made a palate in the corner of the restaurant. Saturday was about the same story. We had to be at the chapel by 3:00 for pictures. Apparently all that posing made a restless baby who decided to act out as soon as the "I Do's" began at 5:00. Leaving me to run out of the chapel in tears too. Welcome to motherhood I hear!!! The reception was nice and Emmalyn was happy to go home early with her Mimi and Go-Daddy! What a weekend...but Congratulations to Lee and Megan, who are coming back from their honeymoon in Antigua. Here is the happy couple from the rehearsal dinner receiving their toasts from the family.

I snapped this picture of Wilkins and Van at the beginning of the ceremony. As I was taking the picture someone told me there was no picture taking allowed...oops...im an outlaw bandit:) Wilkins has this big smile on his face because he is proud of Emmalyn for being good and playing with her toys on my lap...only if we had know, lol!

I snapped this picture of Wilkins and Van at the beginning of the ceremony. As I was taking the picture someone told me there was no picture taking allowed...oops...im an outlaw bandit:) Wilkins has this big smile on his face because he is proud of Emmalyn for being good and playing with her toys on my lap...only if we had know, lol!