Emmalyn could care less about the beach, she was spending time with all of her family! My side and Wilkins side all came down for her first trip! And thanks to her Mimi and Go-Daddy and Uncles Trent and Grant for a great job babysitting so that W and I could spend time at the pool and beach. On Thursday and Friday, she had her Gramie and Grandaddy and her aunts (Sherri and Tiffany) then both of my dads sisters (Irene and Julie) and their girls (Emma and Gabrielle) spend all day with her. Nana Sue also came to visit as well! Emmalyn was passed around more than a football at the Superbowl!
She did get in the pool at the condo and didn't want to get out, soo cute! We got her the smallest bathing suits and she rocked them!!! She finally fits into all of her newborn dresses so I kept changing her clothes every couple of hours, lol! Then I had to take a picture of every outfit, like this yellow dress she wore down there!
While we were there, Phil showed me a baby picture of Wilkins and Emmalyn looks exactly like him...crazy huh!

Friday night Wilkins and I got to go out on our first post-baby real date. It was so nice. We went to dinner at my favorite spot Tacky Jacks (and yes, for the tenth time, I know that is where the President went). We also coincidentally bought the same shirt Obama did! Afterwards, we went to Florabama and danced! It was the best night and well needed!!! However, most of our conversations revolved around Emmalyn- couldn't help it:)
Sunday was so nice being Wilkins first Father's Day. I took him to brunch at the Hangout then we made the long drive home bringing Grant with us (he has soccer camp this week). That night we cooked out and tried to make the best of the day! Happy Father's day to all the dads and granddads!!!
I start working again this week, so this vacation was not long enough. I can't believe I have to leave my sweet baby at home! Even though my job is here and there days it is still sad:(
Here is a picture of the beach from our balcony that shows how pretty the beaches really are!

Hope everyone is doing well. Love ya
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