Emmalyn's check up went great this week. She is now 14.5 lbs and 25.5in long! Still small for her age but normal. She has no teeth yet but working on it everyday, and eats like a growing boy!!! She never gets tired of eating- I guess she got that from Wilkins too! The only apparent thing that she got from me is her impatience- Sorry!
So last weekend, I took Emmalyn down to Mobile to visit her grandparents. Wilkins was out of town working at the camp with his Dad and brother! I don't like to sit at home anymore by myself so I decided to go South. We had such a great weekend. On Friday, my mom and dad took us downtown for dinner at Hero's Bar and Grill. It was such a nice night eating on the deck in the park with the lights and watching everyone. So my type of atmosphere and E loved it! Saturday, mom and I took E shopping then dad met us to go to Seward Farms. It is this corn maze on the Mississippi line that has a hayride, petting zoo, and games. We had a blast except it was so hot for it to be October.

On Sunday, we went over to Malbis shopping center for lunch and of course more shopping! Emmalyn always winds up with more clothes than I do. Everything is just so cute in her size and my size is sooo not cute anymore, haha! That afternoon, I met up with Lindsey and Brandon and asked them to come to what we thought was a haunted house...so not...and so sorry! It was a play about turning your life over to Jesus, the church did a nice job, just not what I was led to believe it was!
We got back on Monday, to get ready for Halloween. We did the whole carving the pumpkins thing...Emmalyn's had an "e" on it, which I carved. Wilkins made a "C" for me and of course a "AU" for him. So embarrassing that everyone thinks this is an Auburn house now, lol! However, since they are number one this weekend I let it slide! Emmalyn didn't know what to think about it all. Especially when it was time to put on her Ladybug costume for the Trunk or Treat at church. Lets just say it kept her warm for the 30 minutes she kept it on. We were in and out, the way her impatient butt likes it. Her pictures did turn out cute though! I think that bows and dresses are more her forte! Again for the future, Wilkins, I warned you hunny!

Just so everyone knows I received so much shocking news this past week that we should be good for awhile. One engagement (Congrats Lane), Two permissions to ask for a daughters hand in marriage, Two pregnancies, and One elopement (Congrats Rusty)- what a week. I also have three good girlfriends that are excepting anytime (Mandy, Heather, and Rhonda). I'm just glad that it is not Wilkins and I with news for a change. Love to you all and Good Luck!

Just so everyone knows I received so much shocking news this past week that we should be good for awhile. One engagement (Congrats Lane), Two permissions to ask for a daughters hand in marriage, Two pregnancies, and One elopement (Congrats Rusty)- what a week. I also have three good girlfriends that are excepting anytime (Mandy, Heather, and Rhonda). I'm just glad that it is not Wilkins and I with news for a change. Love to you all and Good Luck!
Love your blog. The pictures are so good! Glad you and Emmalyn had fun in Mobile and it looks like the corn maze was alot of fun.You and Wilkins did a very good job of carving the pumpkins......Love you all, Grandma